Selected Press Snippets

For years Rodger has been one of the best live performers on the scene, his words as rigorous as they are joyful.

Laura Waddell, The Scotsman

Calum Rodger […] is something of a stranger to the simple and clear expression of ideas.

Fiona Rintoul, The National

[..] the king of videogame poetry.

Aaron Kent, editor at Broken Sleep Books, URL Sonata

There is much to be read into this short pamphlet with its witty, playful texts. Most constitute a distilled, self-directed masterclass in How To Read A Poem.

Vicki Husband on PORTS, The Sphinx Review

Rock, Star, North rediscovers British Romanticism and Edo-period haiku through the eyes of “gentle-hearted Trevor”

Edwin Evans-Thirlwell, Edge Magazine #363, also published at GamesRadar

It’s rare to see the work of classic Scottish writers turn up in video games, never mind the writers themselves, so Rabbie Burns Save The World! is an unusual treat

Andrew Gordon, Scottish Games Network

If you did a serious and scholarly attempt at this, it would be worthwhile. And you perhaps have an ability to do such a study, but all you show in this video is how cute you can be. At your young age, you haven’t suffered enough hardship, and you are scared senseless of social rejection, so you really can’t understand Burns. You use crass and vulgar language to cover up your want of expression. Your attempt at ‘translating’ Burns was basically inept, and seems to be done more out of contempt for the poet than out of respect. Some old man down at the pub could do a better job at this than you have done. And I don’t mean to insult any old men down at the pub; I mean to insult you.

Priesthoodagitator, YouTube comment on Burns in Translation: To a Mouse.